Wednesday, 20 September 2017

New chapter | College life & moving out

Hello peeps, see who's back? So, I just finish my finals *fireworks* and I'm having my semester break now and that's why I can start writing blog again hahah. Well, basically, I'm a college student now, yay (?) If you had read my blog before (if you have not I'm gonna tell you anyway), I've graduated my secondary school last year and I started my college academy on May, this year.

I'm currently studying broadcast communication in TARUC, if you're wondering. So school started very fine, and everything happened as what I expected. College was not scary at all, like new environment, new people, but they did not really make me anxious, maybe it's because I've been thinking and imagining college life much worse in my brain for a really long time, so when it really comes, I feel numb about it hahaha. Okay, let's talk about school. My classmates are very cool, outgoing and friendly, you know, broadcaster, so we get along quite well, I guess? And soon after, small groups/ gangs formed in our class but everyone are still really nice to each other, which was great. Also, the college that I'm studying is really active in clubs, activities and there are always events hold in any corner of the campus, and I joined a club, guess what? A drama club (as in secondary school lol). So I did make some friends there but not many because the club is just too huge to know everyone. 

When you talk about college you think about assignments. Yes, there are a lot of ASSIGNMENTS! I take 5 subjects this semester and I have six assignments, seriously, and six presentations, crazy. (but I survived.) Actually the number of assignments and presentations depend on what program and subjects you take, and I take Chinese this semester and most of the assignments and presentations come from my Chinese subjects (yes, subjectS, there are two type of Chinese writing so they are two subjects.)... well done. The first thing I learned from college is: TIME MANAGEMENT IS REALLY IMPORTANT, because all the assignments due dates and mid-term tests all that are just so pack arranged so planning and managing your time is so important, if not you'll end up stressing up and mess up all your works. Actually, all these due dates and test dates are informed in the first few weeks of your semester so you will have enough time to plan out your schedules. 

There are also two things you have to get used to in college: 1. Take care of your business because no one will remind you of your stuffs. College is unlike secondary school, everything is announced online, everything is computerized. Your lecturers and tutors only teach what they have to teach in class, and they will make sure to teach things that you have to do in your assignments, but they will never remind you of the due dates and assignment layout all that, because they're all given to you in softcopy or hardcopy at the beginning of your semester and you're an adult so you have to be responsible of your own stuffs. 2. Everything is so computerized. Handing in your assignments, register for co-cu, paying fees, timetable distribution, or any distributions go online, because a campus is so huge with many different programs of students so notifying students through online is the best way to reach out to everyone. Actually personally I think it's very convenient and clear when thing goes directly to your student website and not hearing rumours from people but it is weird at the beginning because you'll be like "why no one tells?" well, it's told online, so there's a thing that we have to get used to.

Another new event happened in my life, which is I moved out. Yes, I had moved out from my home, because my home is just too far from where I study so I decided to move out but I still go back to my home when I'm free on weekends. I genuinely think living alone from your family is a really great experience, well I'm not a really home sick kind of person so moving out is not a big deal to me and I think living and planning your day by yourself is just very free, like you can be productive some days and lazy some days, it's all depends on how you feel. Also, I learned a lot from moving out, for example, paying electric bills lol, and cooking. As you know I'm a homebody, I don't like going out so I cooked my own meals most of the time, and it really helps reducing my monthly expenses. (Oh ya, I also learned to manage my money.) I'm not gonna write much about moving out because I was planning to write another post just talking about my moving out experiences and tips after this so if you're interested of what moving out feels like, stay tuned for that post. 

Well, this post is long enough, I have to stop lol. I'm actually trying to control myself from writing too much because who likes long essays? No, no one, I don't like it either. If you're going to college next year or sooner I hope you get some ideas of how it's like from this post. So ya, thanks for reading, and see you soon. xx.

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